30+ Github Repos for JavaScript Developers
As the biggest stage for open source collaboration, Github is the ideal place for developers to work on resources related to JavaScript. A speedy hunt will yield JavaScript cheatsheets, interview questions, algorithms and data structures, best practices, learning paths, and even full open-source books. These repositories can likewise be a great place to make a first open-source contribution.
'Awesome' JavaScript Lists
Awesome JavaScript - A collection of awesome browser-side JavaScript libraries, resources.
Awesome JavaScript - An extensive JavaScript collection.
Awesome React - An collection of valuable things from the React ecosystem.
Awesome Node.js - The best Node.js modules and resources.
Awesome NPM - Tips, packages, community, and docs for the Node package manager.
Awesome Deno - A collection of the best Deno modules and resources.
Awesome Test Automation Resources - A curated list of JavaScript test automation frameworks, tools, and libraries.
You Don't Know JS - This is a series of books by Kyle Simpson diving deep into the core mechanisms of the JavaScript language.
Functional Light JavaScript - An advanced look at functional programming with JavaScript.
The JavaScript Way - A helpful companion for anybody wishing to (re)discover the numerous features of JavaScript.
ES6 for Humans - A straightforward guide covering ES6 syntax.
Interview Questions
JavaScript Interview Questions - 400+ JavaScript interview questions
JavaScript Questions - Multiple choice JS questions.
Awesome Interview Questions - Interview questions in many programming languages including JavaScript.
Interview Questions in JavaScript
Algorithms and Data Structures
Problem Solving JavaScript - Data Structures, algorithms, logical problems, and classics implemented in JavaScript.
JavaScript Resources
Github's JavaScript Trending List — The latest trending JavaScript repositories.
Clean Code JavaScript — Guidelines for readable, reusable, and refactorable JavaScript code. Inspired by Robert C. Martin's book Clean Code.
Airbnb Style Guide — A reasonable style guide for the JavaScript language.
ECMAScript proposals — The official JavaScript (formally, ECMAScript) specification. View and contribute to upcoming JavaScript features here.
Learn JavaScript
ES6 Cheatsheet — ES6 tips, tricks, best practices and code snippets.
ES6 Overview — Practical insights into ES6 features, with bullet points.
Modern JS Cheatsheet — A JavaScript guide to help developers with basic knowledge get familiar with modern codebases.
33 Concepts — Big concepts in JavaScript explained.
You Don't Need jQuery — Native ways to do everything in jQuery.
What the f*ck Ja vaScript? — A list of funny and tricky JavaScript examples.
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