Is there a convenient way to reference DOM elements in Svelte components?


In frameworks like React and Angular, there are convenient methods to access DOM elements within components, such as React's createRef and Angular's template variables combined with @ViewChild. These references are easy to use and stay up to date with the DOM, always pointing to the current element.

I am new to Svelte and, despite exploring its documentation and searching online, I haven't found a similar utility. I understand that Svelte's runtime-less concept might be a factor, but I'm still unclear on why such a feature would be absent.

So, is there an equivalent way to reference DOM elements in Svelte?

1 Answer

You can reference DOM elements in Svelte using bind:this as shown in this example from Svelte's tutorial:

    import { onMount } from 'svelte';

    let myInput;

    onMount(() => {
        myInput.value = 'Hello world!';

<input type="text" bind:this={myInput}/>

Another approach is to use use:action, as described in the Svelte documentation:

    import { onMount } from 'svelte';

    let myInput;

    function MyInput(node) {
        myInput = node;
        myInput.value = 'Hello world!';

<input type="text" use:MyInput/>

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