What is PSR-6? A Beginner’s Guide to PHP Caching Standards

Harish Kumar · · 3300 Views

Is your PHP application slowing down because of repeated database queries or inefficient caching? Do you wish switching between caching libraries was simpler? That’s where PSR-6 comes in—a PHP standard that provides a consistent interface for caching systems, making your code flexible, efficient, and easier to maintain.

What Problem Does PSR-6 Solve?

Before PSR-6, every caching library had its own unique way of working. Switching from Memcached to Redis, for example, required significant code changes. Similarly, moving to a new framework often meant learning a completely different caching API.

PSR-6 fixes this by providing a standardized caching interface that all libraries can follow. This makes caching predictable and interchangeable—so you can swap caching backends without rewriting your application.

Key Interfaces in PSR-6

At the core of PSR-6 are two main interfaces:

1. CacheItemPoolInterface

This acts as the "manager" for your cache. It provides methods to retrieve, save, and delete cache items.

Key methods include:

  1. getItem($key): Retrieve a single cache item by its key.

  2. save(CacheItemInterface $item): Save an item to the cache.

  3. clear(): Clear all items from the cache.

2. CacheItemInterface

This represents a single item in the cache. It provides methods to manage the cache item's data and expiration time.

Key methods include:

  1. get(): Get the cached value.

  2. set($value): Set a new value for the item.

  3. expiresAfter($time): Set how long the item should remain valid.

Implementing PSR-6 in Real Life

Let’s walk through a simple example of implementing a PSR-6-compatible caching system using a file-based approach.

1. Creating a Cache Item Class

We’ll first create a class to represent individual cache items.

namespace MyApp\Cache;

use Psr\Cache\CacheItemInterface;
use DateTime;

class CacheItem implements CacheItemInterface
    private string $key;
    private $value;
    private bool $isHit = false;
    private ?DateTime $expiration = null;

    public function __construct(string $key)
        $this->key = $key;

    public function getKey(): string
        return $this->key;

    public function get()
        return $this->value;

    public function isHit(): bool
        return $this->isHit;

    public function set($value): self
        $this->value = $value;
        return $this;

    public function expiresAt(?DateTime $expiration): self
        $this->expiration = $expiration;
        return $this;

    public function expiresAfter($time): self
        $this->expiration = (new DateTime())->modify("+{$time} seconds");
        return $this;

    // Internal helpers
    public function setHit(bool $hit): void
        $this->isHit = $hit;

    public function getExpiration(): ?DateTime
        return $this->expiration;

2. Creating a File-Based Cache Pool

Next, we’ll create a class to manage these cache items and store them in files.

namespace MyApp\Cache;

use Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface;
use Psr\Cache\CacheItemInterface;

class FileCachePool implements CacheItemPoolInterface
    private string $directory;

    public function __construct(string $directory)
        if (!is_dir($directory) && !mkdir($directory, 0777, true)) {
            throw new \RuntimeException("Cannot create cache directory: {$directory}");
        $this->directory = $directory;

    public function getItem($key): CacheItemInterface
        $filePath = $this->getFilePath($key);
        $item = new CacheItem($key);

        if (file_exists($filePath)) {
            $data = unserialize(file_get_contents($filePath));
            if (!$data['expiration'] || $data['expiration'] > time()) {

        return $item;

    public function save(CacheItemInterface $item): bool
        $filePath = $this->getFilePath($item->getKey());
        $data = [
            'value' => $item->get(),
            'expiration' => $item->getExpiration()?->getTimestamp(),

        return file_put_contents($filePath, serialize($data)) !== false;

    public function clear(): bool
        foreach (glob($this->directory . '/*.cache') as $file) {
        return true;

    private function getFilePath(string $key): string
        return $this->directory . '/' . sha1($key) . '.cache';

Using the Cache in Your Application

Here’s how you can use the cache system in a real application:

use MyApp\Cache\FileCachePool;

// Create a cache pool with a file directory
$cachePool = new FileCachePool(__DIR__ . '/cache');

// Fetch a cache item
$item = $cachePool->getItem('user_123');

if (!$item->isHit()) {
    // Item not found in cache, fetch from database
    $userData = getUserFromDatabase(123);
         ->expiresAfter(3600); // Cache for 1 hour

    // Save the item in the cache

// Use the cached data
$user = $item->get();

Why Use PSR-6?

  1. Flexibility: Easily swap caching backends (e.g., from Redis to Memcached) without rewriting your code.

  2. Consistency: Standardized methods mean you don’t need to learn a new API for every caching library.

  3. Improved Performance: Reduces database calls and speeds up your application.


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