Data Type Validation in Laravel Collections with the `ensure()` Method

Harish Kumar · · 1838 Views

Before moving on to the ensure() method, let us first know what Laravel Collections actually are. These are wrappers of PHP arrays, offering a fluent and helpful interface in interacting with data sets. They enable a large number of methods that could be used in filtering and transforming data, making it easier to work with complex data operations without having to write huge loops or conditionals.

In Laravel 9.18, a new method called ensure() has been crafted to assist in the validation of data types within collections. This post shows how to use the ensure() method effectively in Laravel for validating data types in Laravel Collections.

Understanding `ensure()` Medthod

An ensure() method was introduced to simplify the process of checking data types in a collection. It ensures that all entities that are part of the collection are of the correct type. If there is an item of a different data type from the one specified, it will throw an UnexpectedValueException. Through this, it makes your code more robust and won't execute a later part of the application with unexpected data types.

Example 1:

use Illuminate\Support\Collection;

$collection = collect([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);

$validatedCollection = $collection->ensure(function ($item) {
    return is_int($item);


Example 2:

use Illuminate\Support\Collection;

$numbers = collect([1, 2, 3, 'four']); // Collection with mixed types

try {
    $numbers->ensure('int'); // Ensure all items are integers
} catch (UnexpectedValueException $e) {
    echo 'Error: Collection contains a non-integer value.';
    // Handle the exception as needed (e.g., log the error, provide user feedback)

In this example, the ensure() method will throw an exception because the fourth item, 'four', is a string, not an integer.

Custom Type Checking

You can also define custom type checkers using closures or custom functions. For example, ensuring a collection contains only instances of a specific class:

class User {}

$users = collect([new User(), new User()]);

try {
    $users->ensure(function ($item) {
        return $item instanceof User;
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

Checking Multiple Types

You can pass an array of data types to ensure(), allowing items to match at least one of the specified types:

$data = collect([1, 'hello', new User]);

$data->ensure([int::class, string::class, User::class]); // Valid collection

Here, each item in the collection matches at least one of the expected types.

Benefits of Using `ensure()`

  1. Type Safety: Ensuring data types early helps prevent type-related errors in your application.

  2. Code Readability: The ensure() method makes your validation logic clear and concise.

  3. Error Handling: Custom error messages provide more context when debugging issues.


  1. ensure() throws an exception, so make sure to handle it appropriately using a try...catch block or by returning a validation status indicator.

  2. Consider alternative approaches like defining custom collection macros or leveraging validation rules for more complex validation scenarios.

By effectively utilizing ensure(), you can ensure data type consistency in your Laravel collections, leading to cleaner, more reliable, and maintainable code.


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